10 Useful Tips For Screening Identity Check That You Don’t Know About
We’ve compiled a list of ten pointers to help you complete the screening identity check process with us:
- Please use your full legal name: Remember to enter your name exactly as it appears on your ID document when enrolling on any of the screening identity check platforms.
- It is critical to have adequate lighting: Make certain you’re in a well-lit environment.
- Be quick, yet not rushed: Prepare your identification document so that you may show it right away.
- Invest on a good camera and access to the internet: Check the lens if you have a high-end gadget but are still having problems with picture quality while performing self check.
- Carry out your own verification: When conducting a screening identity check, do not use coercion.
- Have a Current Photo ID: Your ID card should not be dog-eared or adorned with a drawing of your adoring children.
- Select the Correct Document Type: To avoid making a mistake right away, choose the appropriate ID document type for the screening identity check.
- Passport should be carefully captured: You must take a snapshot of yourself as well as the whole machine-readable zone that surrounds your personal information.
- Take Clear Photographs: Make sure the primary information isn’t obscured by light reflections or your fingers.
- If necessary, take a picture of both sides: Remember that both sides of ID documents and residency permits contain vital offshore screening identity check information.