Applicant Name
Street Address
City, State Zip Code
Dear Applicant Name:
This letter is to confirm your temporary employment (TE) appointment as Official Title (with the business title of Business Title), in the operational area of operational area with (University name)(department name), divison effective effective date. Your pay will be $XX.XX per hour.
Deductions will be made from your bi-weekly paycheck for Social Security and Federal and State taxes. You will be paid on alternate Thursdays. This temporary appointment is at-will and does not give you rights to an ongoing University Staff position. The length of your employment in this position will not exceed a total of 1,040 hours worked in 26 consecutive pay periods. Your employment in this position will terminate when this position is filled on a permanent basis. OR Your scheduled ending date of employment is (date).
Your new position is not included in a certified bargaining unit.
Your position is non-exempt under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and you will be paid 1.5 times your hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a single work week.
Your overall job duties (including all active university appointments) are exempt under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and you will be paid at your hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a work week.
As a temporary employee, you are eligible and encouraged to compete for ongoing or renewable positions for which you are qualified. Your TE benefits include coverage under Worker’s Compensation, Unemployment Compensation, Social Security, Tax-Sheltered Annuity 403(b) program, and Wisconsin Deferred Compensation 457(b) program. In addition, you are also eligible for performance awards. Benefits to which you are NOT entitled are seniority, vacation, paid holidays sick leave, and compensatory time. You may also become eligible for group insurance and retirement benefits under Ch. 40, Public Employee Trust Fund, Wis. Stats. If you are eligible, or have questions regarding eligibility, and wish to enroll, please contact your payroll and benefits office for information and/or application forms.
Please refer to the Letter of Appointment Attachment for additional terms of employment and information of which you need to be aware. Your employment is contingent upon verification of your identity and work authorization within three days of your first day of employment as required by federal law. Please note that Section 1 of the Form I9 must be completed electronically on or before your date of hire. Also see I9 Contact Name in the departmental office within three days to complete the I-9 form. Please refer to the attachment which lists the documents you may use.
Please note: Applications for individuals seeking J-1 immigration status sponsored by the University may be subject to additional screening activities to ensure compliance with the federal export control regulations. If you have questions about export control regulations, please contact the University’s Export Control Office: [Website address]
Our institution is committed to creating and maintaining a campus community that is free from sexual harassment and sexual violence. All employees are required to complete an online prevention education program called “Preventing Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence” within 30 days of the appointment. Compensation increases are contingent on completing this training. Additional information including the registration link for this mandated training and multi-language handouts with summary information regarding campus resources and reporting options can be found at: [link]
It is the policy of University to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation to perform the essential functions of your position, please contact [INSERT NAME OF DDR], Divisional Disability Representative (DDR) at [INSERT PHONE NUMBER OF DDR] or [INSERT EMAIL OF DDR]. The DDR is the person authorized to receive and maintain confidential medical information in our [INSERT ONE: SCHOOL, COLLEGE, DIVISION]. More information can be found at the following website: [link]
All employees, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to help make the University a drug-free workplace. You can do this by learning about substance abuse (its dangers and warning signs), encouraging others to avoid substance abuse, and getting help if you need it—either for yourself or for someone you are concerned about. Please review the “Compliance with the Drug-Free Schools & Communities Act”, which is provided to all employees as part of their orientation to the University community. This document can be found at: [Document website link]
The university prohibits discrimination against applicants, employees, students and visitors to campus who wish to participate in University programs or activities. Information about relevant law, policies, resources and complaint procedures and protected bases is available at: [link]
Please report to Reports-to name on date at time for assignment of your new duties and responsibilities. We trust your assignment with us will prove to be both challenging and rewarding.
(Human Resources Manager/Representative)
Ref: JEMS Transaction ID #
xc: Reports-to Name
I have read and understand the terms outlined and accept the position of Official Title with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, department name, division.