Background checks are an important tool for avoiding responsibility for negligent hiring, but navigating the plethora of federal, state, and municipal rules that regulate such investigations can be challenging.
- From the beginning, look for potential problems: Examine the application with care and a critical eye.
- Make use of a reputable background check provider: Not all personal background check companies are the same.
- Make the screening process easier: Make absolutely sure your pre employment background check system is simple and easy to use.
- Be wary of class-action lawsuits based on the Fair Credit Reporting Act: Employers who use third parties to do background checks on new and existing employees are subject to the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), which sets consent, disclosure, and notification requirements Background Screening.
- Examine the prerequisites of “ban-the-box” legislation: Several states, counties, and municipalities have passed “ban-the-box” legislation prohibiting employers from inquiring about background checks on employment applications.
- Know your credit and salary history inquiry restrictions: Credit reports should not be used in all situations.