An Appreciation Payroll Survey of Our Clients
Payroll providers outsourcing assists small and large businesses in reducing costs and predicting the direct and indirect costs involved with payroll providers management. Furthermore, managed payroll services provide you the flexibility you need to convert your fixed overhead expenditures to a flexible cost structure.
Why use a payroll service
1. Is your company now utilizing or contemplating employing cloud-based technology to support payroll functions?
Answered 50, Skipped 0, Response Total 50
Answer Type | Selection | % All Question Responses | % All Survey Responses |
Already using | 22 | 57% | 57% |
Implementation in progress | 12 | 17% | 17% |
Yes, within the next three years | 6 | 10% | 10% |
No migration plans | 10 | 16% | 16% |
2. Where in your company does the payroll department report?
Answered 50, Skipped 0, Response Total 50
Answer Type | Selection | % All Question Responses | % All Survey Responses |
HR | 19 | 38% | 38% |
Finance | 18 | 36% | 36% |
Shared services | 12 | 24% | 24% |
Other | 1 | 2% | 2% |
3. How many managed service payroll providers do you use per region?
Answered 50, Skipped 0, Response Total 50
Answer Type | Selection | % All Question Responses | % All Survey Responses |
EMEA | 7 | 37% | 37% |
APAC | 22 | 63% | 63% |
LATAM | 12 | 50% | 50% |
North America | 9 | 42% | 42% |
4. Which payroll do you prefer more?
Answered 50, Skipped 0, Response Total 50
Question type | Responses (%) |
In-house | 22% |
Bookkeepers | 32% |
Online payroll | 38% |
Software | 8% |
5. Where does the payroll department report to in your company?
Answered 50, Skipped 0, Response Total 50
Answer Type | Selection | % All Question Responses | % All Survey Responses |
HR | 26 | 53% | 53% |
Finance | 22 | 44% | 44% |
Others | 2 | 3% | 3% |
6. Do you charge the cost of payroll back to the business who owns the labor?
Answer Type | % All Question Responses |
Yes | 74% |
No | 26% |
7. What percent of time does your payroll staff spend on the following activities each month?
Answered 50, Skipped 0, Response Total 50
Answer Type | Selection | % All Question Responses | % All Survey Responses |
Run payroll | 15 | 27% | 27% |
Reconciliation, audits, and controls | 12 | 24% | 24% |
Data entry | 10 | 20% | 20% |
Technical support | 5 | 10% | 10% |
Other | 8 | 13% | 13% |
8. What is your overall level of satisfaction with your outsourced third-party payroll provider?
Answered 50, Skipped 0, Response Total 50
Answer Type | Selection | % All Question Responses | % All Survey Responses |
Very satisfied | 12 | 21% | 21% |
Satisfied | 29 | 61% | 61% |
Unsatisfied | 6 | 12% | 12% |
Very unsatisfied | 3 | 6% | 6% |
9. Which of the following do you consider the top areas of focus or improvement relating to payroll provider services?
Answered 50, Skipped 0, Response Total 50
Answer Type | Selection | % All Question Responses | % All Survey Responses |
Accuracy | 15 | 71% | 71% |
Self-service capabilities | 11 | 63% | 63% |
Customer service | 9 | 56% | 56 |
Cost savings | 7 | 54% | 54% |
Timeliness | 8 | 55% | 55% |
10. Services contracts been in place or in production?
Answer Type | Selection | % All Question Responses | % All Survey Responses |
5+ years | 35 | 58% | 58% |
3-5 years | 11 | 34% | 34% |
2 years or less | 4 | 8% | 8% |
The decision to pay payroll is an important one for the majority of enterprises. Even while moving to outsourced payroll may be a very advantageous alternative, choosing a payroll agency still requires a big commitment.
Contact us right now for additional details!